winona rosa

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Federal Reserve Bank

[Howard] This is part of the problem of the money system that we have today. The American people are unaware the government is using your property that you register as the collateral behind the bonds that they give to the Federal Reserve Bank. Even some writers that put out information are still making a stupid comment that they create these bonds out of thin air or they create money out of thin air and that is not and never has been true. Nothing is created out of thin air, it can’t be. In order for a money system to exist there has to be some substance of some kind behind it. Now, it may appear that they’re making it out of thin air to the public because the public doesn’t know that the deed to your house that you registered is part of the collateral. The new-born child that you had and you registered a birth certificate is part of the collateral. The puppy dog that you registered is part of the collateral. The gun that you registered is part of the collateral. The automobile that you registered is part of the collateral. They’re used to support the bond that is issued. Something of value has to be there. Banking does not work on total fiction. They work on the fictional view of a value that they hold on a piece of paper but not in reality. But they don’t work completely on fiction and they can’t. Now, you want to close this system down? There’s several different ways of doing it. Somebody wrote an article that I was reading today about demanding public money for your check, like your paycheck when you go to the bank to cash it, and not accepting general Federal Reserve circulating notes, demand public money. Well, public money is United States notes and believe it or not the Federal Reserve is sitting on three hundred million dollars in US currency, not in Federal Reserve currency. And if you read Section 411 of Title 12 it says that Federal Reserve notes can be redeemed in lawful money which is United States currency and that is United States notes. If you demand that and deplete their reserves or their holdings of United States notes they’re in trouble. That might bring about the collapse of the banking system but why bother? It’s collapsing on its own. You don’t have to really do anything. It will collapse. But I like to aggravate these people. Now, the property that they’re using as collateral’¦

Well, it does say that it’s redeemable at the United States Treasury or any Federal Reserve Bank. But I guarantee you won’t get results if you go to a Federal Reserve Band and ask for it. As a matter of fact, they’re liable to call the police and have you arrested. That’s how ignorant the system has gotten. So I wouldn’t suggest you do those kinds of things. You can try it if you want but don’t blame me if you end up in jail. Listen to these definitions. This is something that you can do. Now, I have to admit that I do not have a form for how to properly file a complaint for a constructive trust. I don’t know where to find it. We’ve looked all over the place and I can’t find the form for it but I will because I don’t stop, I’ll find the form. Listen to these definitions:

The first one can be found in probably any Blacks Law Dictionary but this happens to be Blacks 6th edition that I’m looking at and the word is ‘lost’. An article is lost when the owner has lost the possession or custody of it. Now, listen to me closely. You may have possession of these things that you’ve registered with government but you have lost the custody. You have no control and that’s what custody is all about. The government has control of your automobile and tells you what you can do with it. The government has control of your house and tells you what you can do with it. And if you don’t think they got control of your children just fool with them a little bit and see what they’ll do. They’ll take your children away. And look on the internet, there’s all kinds of information on there about government stealing people’s children. Lost, an article is lost when the owner has lost possession or custody of it. Custody of it has to do with control and once you’ve registered property all control is in the hands of the government. They can tell you what to do with it so you’ve lost whatever property you ever registered with the government. I don’t care if it’s your new-born child or your land or your gun or anything else that you’ve registered with government including your puppy dog. That really irritates me that we got to give them our puppy dogs. But anyway, that you’ve lost possession or custody of it involuntarily and by any means but more particularly by accident or his own negligence or forgetfulness and when he is ignorant of the whereabouts and cannot recover it by any ordinarily diligent search. We’ve tried terminating registrations and demanding that the instruments of registration be returned and the registration be cancelled and they won’t give it back to us. I would say that we’ve done a diligent search and put forth a diligent effort to recover our property and they won’t give it back to us. Now, I’m talking about all kinds of property even a marriage license because marriage is property. His is hers and hers is his, that’s property. Under the definition of lost property, now, these terms are very important for what I’m about to get into on the law of trust.

A person who comes into control of property of another that he knows to have been lost, mislaid or delivered under a mistake, and that’s where registration would come in, you’ve delivered it to the government by stupid mistake because we don’t know any better. The lawyers have lied to us and told us that our private property has to be registered when, in fact, the government’s laws can only apply to government and government’s property, not to yours. So, it was a mistake on our part to register anything that you bought and paid for, that you’ve created with your own efforts. That’s your private property and they have no right to take private property for public use without just compensation. All state constitutions reiterate that statement and the federal Constitution reiterates that statement in the Fifth Amendment. So, it was a mistake on our part as to the nature or amount of the property and the identity of the recipient who is guilty of theft. Now, keep that in mind, guilty of theft for taking the property if, with a purpose to deprive the owner thereof, he fails to take reasonable measures to restore the property to a person entitled to have it. Now, we have out of stupidity given our property to the government. I commented about this as much as twenty years ago. The American people are the nicest people on the face of the earth, they really are. No other history of any government, present or past, can ever say that their people were so nice that they gave the government everything they had. We’re a little bit stupid but we’re very nice, that was my comment. I hope I made people mad but it doesn’t seem to, you just don’t seem to stir people anymore, you can’t even make them mad. {They’re in a state of non-reality due to mis-education and a state of paralyzing fear and a constant diet of fluoride and who knows what else.} Don’t insult me, I’m too ignorant, I can’t understand the insult. Anyway, the next important definition to understand is that government personnel have a duty of loyalty to the government and must follow the government’s laws, rules and regulations. The definition of loyal is legal authorized by conforming to the law. They must conform to the law also faithful in one’s political relations giving faithful support and allegiance to one’s prince or sovereign or to the existing government. Faithful support to cause ideal office or person.

Ideal office or person, there is nothing that is ideal in what’s going on in this country, but anyway, the next term is loyalty. Now, keep this in mind, because I’m going to get into this subject on trusts in just a minute. Most important is the definition of the word, loyalty.

Adherence to law. Faithfulness to one’s office or sovereign or to the existing government.

The existing government in this country was established under a document that we stupidly refer to as a constitution. I guess it’s because that’s what we’ve been told that it is. It’s a constitution. I always thought that that word started with a three-letter designation called con and since they conned the people with this constitution. But anyway, listen to the rest of this and listen closely. I discovered on the shelves of my own law library that I had a book called The Law of Trusts written by George G. Bogert assisted by George T. Bogert. I was looking for something else the other day and, ‘look at that’, I didn’t even remember I bought that. I don’t know where I bought it but I got it off the shelf. Now, I’ve got Scott’s Abridged Law of Trusts, I’ve got Corpus Juris Secundum on trusts. This book tops them all. The explanations in here are really phenomenal. Now, keep in mind that what we’ve talked about on past programs is that there are court cases where the justices and judges of the courts have addressed the issue of public officers and public officers at any level of government, any branch of government are public trustees. They are trustees for the people. Taking your private property and registering it’¦ Your property has been lost by registration and used for the benefit of government and they are supporting their money system with it. If you want to shut down this mess that we’re living in and this total control over you through credit money and actually that’s how they’re getting the control. When you use the credit money you are accepting the liability for their credit and you got to pay it in one way or another and you’re going to pay it through fines, fees and taxes. And the fines and fees are imposed by stupid legislation that actually only applies to government and they’re misapplying it to you but simply because you have accepted the credit money system and that puts you under their liability as one of the creditors. So, if you want out of this, you want to straighten things up, take your property back. I’ve been talking about that for years but I really didn’t know how to do it. I was hoping somebody out there would do a little more research and find out how to do it more than I was able to do but I’ve had very little help in the research over the years which is part of the reason that I was so run down because I was pushing myself and I got a joke about that. When you push yourself you’ll never catch up to yourself. It’s almost like pushing a lawnmower. You can push it as fast as you want in front of you but you’ll never going to catch up to it.

Listen closely and don’t forget the definitions that I just talked about, particularly the definition of loyalty. The United States Constitution is the trust instrument that created the public trust of the United States government. The state constitutions in whatever state that you happen to live nearby in the territory by the same name as the state created the trust position of those state governments. The State extended their authority by charter to these little governments called local governments like city, town and county governments. It still comes under the authority of those constitutions. Those constitutions are the expressed trust instrument that expressly established them as a public trust. Now, listen to this: breach of an expressed trust. Now, this applies to constitutional violations.

If a trustee of an expressed trust acquires property by a breach of the trust, for example, by a violation of his obligation to be loyal to the beneficiary a constructive trust may be imposed by the courts of equity on such property. This doctrine applies to other fiduciaries and to persons who occupy a confidential relationship.

Now, I seriously would doubt that very many people in America that have an education would have any idea what a confidential relationship is. But to put it in small terms it is when you rely upon the knowledge and intelligence and authority of someone else, that confidential relationship. Don’t we tend to rely on government as being intelligent and knowledgeable enough to handle things in a proper manner? I think we do. This book by Bogert goes on to say in a latter section which is Section 95. I’m reading Section 86. The duty of loyalty is stated and the reasons for its existence are explained and illustrations of disloyalty are given. We’ll get into that another night. For tonight, let’s stay on the realization that they must be loyal to the trust instrument which is the Constitution. I think most of the people on this call know that they are not living by the Constitution. As a matter of fact, some of the e-mails that Dave was reading tonight like the combination of commercial activity between Canada and the US is a business deal that is forbidden for trustees to invest money in by the law of trust. This whole concept of what they’re doing with Canada is a breach of the trust but it wouldn’t be if all they did was agree to do business separately, not to combine themselves together in the same business activity and support it with finance. But anyway, the next part of this statement out of the book is:

If a trustee violates this obligation and thereby obtains for himself property interests’

Now, how many times have you heard me talk about the law of commerce stating the fact that when you turn property over to another to hold for you that it turns the interest which is equal to rights in the property over to the holder and the holder becomes a holder-in-due-course in commercial law? That gives them a priority interest in the property and total custody and control over the property. When a trustee such as a government official violates his obligation to be loyal to the trust document, the constitution which says in the Fifth Amendment, for instance, in the federal Constitution that government shall not take private property for public uses, public being governments without just compensation. And they’re doing this. They’re taking your private property by forced registration and you have lost the custody of your property and all property interest. Interest in property is the controlling feature. If you don’t have the interest you can’t control your own property and you can’t today. Just think about this life we live in. There’s some little idiot the government sends out to inspect your house and tell you if you don’t paint the scaly paint that they’ll fine you. There’s some little moron with a clown suit and badge telling you how to drive your car. I don’t mean to degrade police but actually they deserve to be degraded because they have no idea that they’re breaching the public trust by writing traffic tickets against your private automobile. This thing says:

If he thereby obtains for himself a property interest whether it be government or what it may be taken from him by the use of a constructive trust which is founded on any kind of illegal or unconscionable conduct.

I would say that illegal is a rather poor term for the explanation of in violation of the trust agreement which is the Constitution. That is the bylaws of their corporation. Governments are all corporations. The Constitution is their bylaws and it establishes their authority, their duties and their limitations. All bylaws for all corporations are set up exactly that way. What they’re doing is at least illegal and in all circumstances it is unconscionable conduct. The book goes on to say that other remedies may also be available. For example, a judgment for the payment of money, the setting aside of a transaction, the removal of a disloyal trustee’¦ Now, this is what David Clarence was trying to do with his executor letter. He was trying to remove a disloyal trustee. He didn’t quite do it according to their procedure and it’s beginning to fail which is what I said would happen to it. It was a hell of a move in the right direction and I can’t stop complementing him for recognizing what he recognized that they are acting as executor trustee over our property that they’re holding which is our estate and I hadn’t recognized that. God bless him for what he came up with. I just wish he would have studied some of this stuff that I found on trusts and realized how to do it correctly. He needs to do it as a removal of the executor administrator trustee and if he had gotten the forms for how to do that he’d have really had something going but we’re finding them. We’re going to help him, we’re going to give it to him. I don’t care who uses this. I don’t care who takes credit for it. I just want to see it done. I want to see these people that are stealing our property removed from their government trustee positions. Anyway, let me go on reading:

The removal of a disloyal trustee or a forfeiture of his compensation. The constructive trust may be applied not only to property originally obtained by disloyalty but also to its products and proceeds.

Now, let me stop right there and tell you something about the commercial law. In our studies of the uniform commercial code and our putting together of a security interest document to file at the Secretary of State’s County Recorder of Deeds office respectively for the different types of property that it covers one of the things that we discovered was that once and interest is acquired in one particular type of property that the law provides the property interest holder to gain an interest in any after acquired property that that property should acquire. Now, I’m sure that that was a little bit confusing but let me explain it. When the baby was born and mommy had no idea what she was doing and the nurse came in and said, ‘I need you to sign this. It’s an application for a birth certificate,’ mommy signed it. She didn’t know any better so don’t blame mommy, blame our education system. But anyway, mommy did this. That birth certificate application was then turned over by the hospital to the department of government that registers birth certificates usually called something like the Department of Vital Statistics. At that time that transferred the property interest in that new-born child and his or her body over to the government for their control. Read ‘delivery’ in Blacks Law Dictionary and you will find an explanation of that right to the T of what I just said for their control. You have lost control of that baby’s body property and when the baby reaches 18 years of age the control is still in the hands of the State. And now that the baby is considered to be mature the baby has no control over its own body, but worse, anything that that body property accomplishes in life and accrues such as land or automobiles or businesses or whatever it accomplishes in life the government’s holding that birth certificate instrument as an interest in that property and an after-acquired interest in everything else that that body property manages to acquire. That’s the commercial law. That’s not what I think. That’s what I found in the commercial law. This is what they’re doing to you and this is what forces you to register everything that they claim has to be registered with the government you acquire.

The book goes on to say:

And it may be used against persons who succeed the disloyal trustee as the owner of the products of the disloyalty insofar as they are not the bona fide purchaser.

Bona fide purchaser is very important. What that means is the individual that put out the effort to acquire something. Whether you did it through their money, you did it really with your effort, your labor, your energy went into acquiring their money and with their money you bought something. They will make a claim that because you bought it with their money that they have an interest in it but that is a bad situation that they have created that in equity they cannot take advantage of that bad situation that they’ve created. So that sort of kills their argument, doesn’t it? And anything to do with trusts and disloyalty and constructive trusts is all in equity. Equity can be used for good for your benefit or it can be used for evil for their benefit against you. They’ve been using it against us because we didn’t know how to put a stop to their disloyalty. Anyway, next paragraph:

In the application of this remedy it is immaterial that the trustee acted innocently because of his ignorance of the rules or his belief that his conduct did not amount to a disloyalty.

In other words, he has no excuse.

It is unnecessary to prove that the obtaining of the property by disloyalty damaged the beneficiary since it is sufficient to show the receipt by the trustee of property acquired by a breach of his duty.

He has no duty whatsoever to take private property for public government use. It is disloyal of him to do that. I don’t care if we’re talking about registration of the car with DMV or registration of the baby with the Department of Vital Statistics or registration of the land deed with the Recorder of Deeds office, if you are the bona fide purchaser, the one whose effort went into acquiring the property it is private property and they have no right. As a matter of fact, they are disloyal to their document that created their trust by forcing you to register any of those types of property. It can be remedied by a complaint to impose a constructive trust establish that they are the trustee and that they have breached the trust by disloyalty. Rather simple, isn’t it? I said thirty years ago that if we ever figure this out I’m going to kick myself in the behind when I saw how simple it was. I’m kicking myself. I wish it wouldn’t have taken me this many years to get this far to understand this. But I guess it’s all in our Creator’s time or God’s time or whatever you want to call it. The position of government being a trust is established by the Constitution. That is the trust instrument that they must follow. And any disloyalty to that trust instrument is a breach of the trust and a breach of their fiduciary duty. To be honest, disloyalty is the same thing as dishonesty. My comment about that in the past has been that I’m 68 years old and I have never seen government act in a high level of honesty and integrity in all of my years. I have seen more corruption and dishonesty in dealing with government than enough but didn’t understand what to do about it. And now, I think we’ve found out what to do about it. The only thing remaining is to find a form for a complaint to impose a constructive trust, a complaint for breach of trust. Any one of them will help. They have hidden these things. They’ve taken all of the books out of the library that had those kinds of forms in them. They have taken all that off the general public use of the internet. The only way it might be able to be found would be somebody who’s on Westlaw or Lexis Nexus. You might be able to get into books like Am Jur Pleadings and Practice Forms Book. That’s not American Jurisprudence in the common encyclopedia set of books that they have. This is a separate set of books from Am Jur Encyclopedia. It’s called Am Jur Pleadings and Practice and I’ve got people looking, trying to get into that. We’ll find it and it shouldn’t take much longer. Those forms are in there. They’re just removed from the library shelves today. I’ve had several people go to libraries and try to check it. I’ve had several people checking all over the internet. There’s really not much there much less any kind of a form to follow. It’s best that we follow the form because although an individual who does not use a lawyer has a little bit of leeway. That little bit of leeway does not allow you to be so far off point that what you’ve done is not recognizable in law so we have to put it together as best we can according to their form so that it’s recognizable. I guarantee you we’ll find the forms. Like I said, if I have to tear through Washington, D.C. and tear it half down I’ll get some guys over there to tear it apart if we need to. Hopefully, we don’t have to go that far. Anyway, the book goes on to say:

As hereinafter shown the duty of loyalty extends to many fiduciaries other than trustees such as executors, guardians, corporate directors, agents, partners and joint venturers and attorneys.

Attorney’s, by the way, are licensed by the courts to be attorneys. So this patriot bull crap that they aren’t licensed is a waste of your time and effort. They only have to be licensed by the court because they appear in the court. That’s the only job they have. They’re officers of the court. They have to be licensed to be officers of the court and they are by the court. Anyway:

The remedy of the constructive trust may be used against them where they have obtained a personal benefit by breach of their duty. In addition the duty and the remedy exist with respect to persons who are in a confidential relationship.

Well, don’t you impose your confidence upon this moron called an attorney and expect that he’s going to do the right thing? Well, of course, you probably didn’t even realize what the right thing was but if you knew what the right thing was I’m sure you saw that the attorney did not do the right thing. Anyway:

A term having no exact definition but involving dominance and superiority because of such element as close family relationships, long continued practice of entrusting business matters to a confident like a lawyer and differences in age, health and education.

Oh yeah, certainly we should trust a lawyer because he went to law school and he knows things we don’t know. That is a confidential relationship. We should trust the government; we should trust the police because they’ve been trained in things that we’re not trained in. We don’t know about it so don’t we have a confidential relationship with all of these kinds of people? That’s what creates the fiduciary duty which applies to all trustees whether they’re private trustees for a private trust or public trustees for the government’s public trust. And they have this duty of loyalty to the trust instrument in all cases whether it’s private or public.

Giving an example of some of this, tricking you into registering the land deed to your private home that you or family members have bought and paid for is in the beginning a breach of the trust because they had no right to take that property for their use without just compensation. To later sell that property out from under you under the claim of a tax debt owed which was another breach of their fiduciary duty imposing a debt upon you to cover their debt, that’s a real breach of their fiduciary duty. They’re unjustly enriching themselves to pay their debts from your labor on those such as property taxes, income taxes and things of that nature and then selling it because you didn’t pay the tax is a taking again of the possession of the private property in addition to having the custody of the registration, an absolute breach of their fiduciary duty. And according to this if you go after them with a request to impose a constructive trust the court of equity that you put it into by filing it in this proper manner will return the property to its rightful owner which is you, the bona fide purchaser and take it away from them even if they have sold it to somebody else. As I was reading this stuff, I’m not going to read all of this, like I’ve been reading that part so far. I’m just going to go on and explain a little bit of it that it gets into talking about. The same thing is true about your automobile and the same thing is true about these people whose children have been taken away from them. This is done under the pretense of their interest in that child or in that land or in that car because of the registration which transferred to them the rights and interest in the property under the commercial law. All of this constitutes a breach of their loyalty to their trust document called the Constitution because it says that they cannot take private property for their public use without just compensation and they’re not paying you for the kid. I guarantee you they didn’t pay my mother for me. I’ll bet you they’re glad too. They don’t really want much to do with me; they don’t like me. They didn’t pay me for the land deeds that I stupidly recorded in the past. They didn’t pay me for automobiles and trucks, businesses that I recorded in the past. It’s a little bit late for some of these things for me to do anything much about it because I’ve been away from them and not dealing with them for so many years. But there is no statute of limitations on the recovery of private property. There are statutes of limitations on all kinds of other things; but the recovery of private property has no statute of limitations. So, it doesn’t matter if they got you to record the property back in 1960 or 1970 or something like that. There’s been quite a few years go by and you didn’t understand any of this it’s not too late to do something about it. There is no statute limitation on the recovery of property whether it be the possession or the custody of the property. Now, if we start taking our property back by making these actions and once I’ve put enough of this together and make it available to people you’ll be able to see rather clearly how easily this can be done. We’ll back it up with case law. We’ll back it up with your documents proving what they’ve done and that’ll be necessary. You’ll have to have your documents proving what they’ve done such as the so-called certificate of title to your automobile, the stamp on your land deed proving that they recorded it. That’s the kind of documents I’m talking about and that will be the evidence that we need to put with the case. They won’t be able to answer this. I’m sure they’ll try. They’ll say that they were just doing their job. {if people would mute out this transcript would be more complete!!!}’¦rob the grocery store he was just doing his job, he’s a robber, his job is to rob people. He was just doing his job. Well, they’re thieves. It doesn’t matter if it’s some clown that robs a grocery store or some clown that claims he represents government and he steals from you by forcing you to give your property over to the government, they’re both thieves. Now, I strongly suggest that if you’re not competent to control your own property in a legitimate decent manner that you don’t get involved in this. Let the government control you because you can’t control yourself and there are plenty of people in this country that are in that position; they can’t control themselves so don’t get involved in something like this. Let the government control you but if you’re a competent person. I’m sure that there are a lot of competent people in the country that could control their lives and their property. Those who are should step forward and start doing this. If only 10% of the population did this you would crush the whole corrupt system that’s going on. Interestingly enough I just found out tonight that the FBI has established a hot line. I got to get a hold of the hot line and find out what it is. But before we do anything like contact them we’ve got to be able to put this together in proper legal terminology and back it up with court cases or the FBI will just think you’re some nut and they won’t pay any attention to you so we’ve got to put this together before we approach the FBI. But they have set up this hot line to report government corruption. I don’t think they can handle it all. Probably 98% of this government is corrupt today by the people that are in it like the two ass holes that went up to Montana. Apparently, somebody didn’t get the gist of that. {Pelosi, Reed, and a Labrador retriever} There are federal laws that protect property rights the FBI has a duty to investigate violations of those federal laws and bring criminal charges. They have to bring it through the attorney general’s office. They can’t bring it themselves but they can take it to the attorney general’s office and ask the attorney general to further investigate what they’ve investigated and bring charges against people who violate the public trust. That would be in addition to you taking an action through this constructive trust concept to recover your property that they have stolen from you through registration whether it’s your body, your car, your house, your business license. Now, some businesses are required by law to be licensed. Alcohol, tobacco, firearms, gambling and securities are the only ones the United States government has some degree of control over. Oh, and religion, by the way, that’s another business they absolutely have a right to control and they license it. They have a right and a duty to control the press, they do, but in the wrong way, don’t they? They’re supposed to make sure that the press puts out honest and true information. Instead, they lead the press to put out the information that they want to keep up the dishonesty. Almost everything that’s going on, today, is a corruption of the public trust. I don’t care who’s interested in what, what aspect of this. There are people who think the driver’s license issue is the most important thing. There are people who think that the income tax issue is the most important thing. There are people that think the abortion issue is the most important thing. I don’t care which one you want to attack. Some people think that the corruption of the press is the most important thing. Each one of you that’s along those lines learn how to make this attack through a constructive trust being imposed upon them and breach of their loyalty to the trust instrument and go after them on each and every one of these issues. Personally, I think my private property is the most important issue because they’re using it to support their monetary system. They’re definitely benefiting from that which means they’ve taken it for public use and benefit and I think that’s a critical area that should be approached by as many people as possible. And you realize that once you recover your property you have a duty to your fellow man to act responsibly, not to drive drunk, not to exceed reasonable speed limits, not to be reckless, not to pull your gun and use it on somebody because you don’t like them; these are not reasonable actions by you. And, believe it or not, the government has a duty to prosecute you for such unreasonable conduct. Whether you like it or not they do have that duty. They can’t prosecute you through these phony contracts of registration legitimately which is what they’re doing. But they do have a duty to prosecute you for any complaint filed by your fellow man against you for your unreasonable conduct which might result in harm to your fellow man. It would be nice if this government did what they’re supposed to do, wouldn’t it? Most people wouldn’t be unreasonable, would they? There’s a lot of unreasonable things being done by people today who used to be reasonable until the economic situation got as dire as it is and it’s causing them to do very unusual and corrupt things to other people {Study what happened in Argentina during their recent monetary crash to see what happens when a society breaks down and how to protect yourself against it} and we can name them, probably a hundred of them but we won’t bother where people are taking unfair advantage of other people and the government’s duty is to protect you as the beneficiary from those unreasonable people. Instead, their economic system is causing these people to be that unreasonable and take unfair advantage of other people and everything is the reverse of what it’s supposed to be.

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